Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jewelry in Cubic Zirconia gemstones


The pendant below is handcrafted and the grapes are made from Cubic Zirconia (CZ) gemstones.

Cubic zirconia is a synthetic gemstone that very closely resembles diamonds. Because of its startling diamond-like appearance and inexpensive price tag, cubic zirconia is a highly popular gemstone used most frequently in jewelry such as rings, earrings, bracelets and pendants. Although cubic zirconia is synthetic, it is inspired by its natural counterpart, zirconium oxide (ZrO2), first discovered in 1892 but too rare to be commercially profitable.

Cubic zirconia is crystalline, flawless, and clear enough to rate a "D" on the diamond scale for clarity. Though usually colorless, it can also be made in nearly any color, including soft yellow, characteristic of some diamonds. Cubic zirconia sparkles brighter than crystal and is harder than most gems, making it very durable. It also weighs about 65% more than diamond. However, if there is an obvious difference between the two to the untrained eye, it is that cubic zirconia has a higher dispersion rate than diamond

"Grapes" pendant using 9 CZ 3mm gemstones
Code: Z301

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- product code number
- quantity required
- your full shipping address & contact details

We will revert to you on the Sales Confirmation Order Number and payment details.

Please refer to Order & Payment Procedures for more details

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sparkling Bracelets

These bracelets are all handcrafted and made from Swarovski crystals or pearls.

5mm Swarovski crystal beads
Code: B001A (silk & topaz)
B001B (light azore & indicolite)
RM50.00 each

5mm Swarovski crystal beads
Code: B002 (silk & topaz)

5mm Swarovski crystal beads
Code: B003 (AB, ruby & rose)

5mm Swarovski crystal beads with complementary accessories
Code: B004 (light green & dark green)
Code: B005 (ruby & pink)
RM48.00 each

8mm Swarovski pearls (white & bright gold) with 6mm rondelles
Code: BP001

8mm Swarovski pearls (bronze & creamrose) with 5mm crystal (silk)
Code: BP002

To place your order, please email to by indicating the:

- product code number
- quantity required
- your full shipping address & contact details

We will revert to you on the Sales Confirmation Order Number and payment details.

Please refer to Order & Payment Procedures for more details

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Contemporary Earrings

Earrings for the young and young at heart.
Add some sparkle and color to your ears with
these Swarovski crystal beads and pearls

Simply "heart to heart" in AB shade
Code: E 0005

16mm Black Diamond Satin
Code: E 0006

16mm Ruby
Code: E 0007

16mm Jet
Code: E 0008

12mm Silver Shade Oval Earrings
Code: E 0009

18mm Crystal Clear Twist Earrings
Code: E 0010